You’re a Rosie RiskTaker

You are a risk-taker so, for you, budgeting your money is really important.  It’s important to note that you don’t have to do this on your own, if you have a significant other then keep them in the loop on financial decisions. Change your mindset and be willing to accept input from people who may not see things the way that you do, but may have some really helpful experience or knowledge to contribute. Take the time to research possibilities and opportunities for your money rather than jumping in so soon. As a risk taker you like to solve logical problems and make big moves, but be careful to structure your spending. 

3 Tips for you:

  • Set aside some of your money monthly into a savings account before taking any irrational risks.
  • Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, diversifying your investments will lower the risks.
  • Remember that balance Is the key and carefully considered investments are more likely to get you the results you crave.

It is important to note that there is no such thing as a bad money personality. We are all individuals and there are pros and cons to each personality type. The goal of this quiz is to help you understand your own financial habits and mindset a little more in order to plan and adjust to reach your long term goals. Knowing which money personality is more in line with who you are will help you to deal with your own mindset and that of other people in a much more considered manner. 

Something that is also important to know is that many of us have primary and secondary money personalities which can conflict with each other. For example,  our primary personality might be a Penny Planner but our secondary personality could be a Spendy Susie, which of course is going to cause us some internal frustrations. 

Take the time to learn about what makes you tick financially so that you are better equipped to help yourself. Our team of knowledgeable financial advisors are ready to guide you to reach that better understanding and help you take the next steps. 

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